Package 'l2boost'

Title: Exploring Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized Linear Regression
Description: Efficient implementation of Friedman's boosting algorithm with l2-loss function and coordinate direction (design matrix columns) basis functions.
Authors: John Ehrlinger [aut, cre], Hemant Ishwaran [aut]
Maintainer: John Ehrlinger <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=2)
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2025-03-10 02:32:16 UTC

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Efficient implementation of Friedman's boosting algorithm for linear regression using an l2-loss function and coordinate direction (design matrix columns) basis functions.


The l2boost package implements a generic boosting method [Friedman (2001)] for linear regression settings using an l2-loss function. The basis functions are simply the column vectors of the design matrix. l2boost scales the design matrix such that the boosting coefficients correspond to the gradient direction for each covariate. Friedman's gradient descent boosting algorithm proceeds at each step along the covariate direction closest (in L2 distance) to the maximal gradient descent direction.

The l2boost function uses an arbitrary L1-regularization parameter (nu), and includes the elementary data augmentation of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012), to add an L2-penalization (lambda) similar to the elastic net [Zou and Hastie (2005)]. The L2-regularization reverses repressibility, a condition where one variable acts as a boosting surrogate for other, possibly informative, variables. Along with the decorrelation effect, this elasticBoost regularization circumvents L2Boost deficiencies in correlated settings.

We include a series of S3 functions for working with l2boost objects:

  • print (print.l2boost) prints a summary of the l2boost model fit.

  • coef (coef.l2boost) returns the model regression coefficients at any point along the solution path indexed by step m.

  • fitted (fitted.l2boost) returns the fitted response values from the training set at any point along the solution path.

  • residuals (residuals.l2boost) returns the training set residuals at any point along the solution path.

  • plot (plot.l2boost) for graphing either beta coefficients or gradient-correlation as a function of boosting steps.

  • predict (predict.l2boost) for boosting prediction on possibly new observations at any point along the solution path.

A cross-validation method (cv.l2boost) is also included for L2boost and elasticBoost cross-validating regularization parameter optimizations.

Example Datasets We have repackaged the diabetes data set from Efron et. al. (2004) for demonstration purposes. We also include data simulation functions for reproducing the elastic net simulation (elasticNetSim) of Zou and Hastie (2005) and the example multivariate normal simulations (mvnorm.l2boost) of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012).


Friedman J. (2001) Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. Ann. Statist., 29:1189-1232

Ehrlinger J., and Ishwaran H. (2012). "Characterizing l2boosting" Ann. Statist., 40 (2), 1074-1101

Zou H. and Hastie T (2005) "Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net" J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 67, Part 2, pp. 301-320

Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. (2004). "Least Angle Regression" Ann. Statist. 32:407-499

Extract model coefficients from an l2boost model object at any point along the solution path indexed by step m. coef is a generic function which extracts model coefficients from objects returned by modeling functions.


By default, coef.l2boost returns the model (beta) coefficients from the last step, M of the l2boost model. For a cv.l2boost object, the default returns the coefficients from model at the cross-validation optimal step (m = opt.step return value).

Coefficients from alternative steps along the solution can be obtained using the m parameter.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
coef(object, m = NULL, ...)



an l2boost fit object (l2boost or cv.l2boost)


the iteration number within the l2boost solution path. If m=NULL, the coefficients are obtained from the last iteration M.


other arguments passed to generic function.


vector of coefficient estimates for l2boost objects. The estimates correspond to the given iteration number m, or the final step M.

See Also

coef and l2boost, cv.l2boost and predict.l2boost methods of l2boost.


# Example: Diabetes data 
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.
data(diabetes, package='l2boost')

object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# At the m=500 step
coef(object, m=500)

K-fold cross-validation using l2boost.


Calculate the K-fold cross-validation prediction error for l2boost models. The prediction error is calculated using mean squared error (MSE). The optimal boosting step (m=opt.step) is obtained by selecting the step m resulting in the minimal MSE.


  K = 10,
  M = NULL,
  nu = 1e-04,
  lambda = NULL,
  trace = FALSE,
  type = c("discrete", "hybrid", "friedman", "lars"),
  cores = NULL,



the design matrix


the response vector


number of cross-validation folds (default: 10)


the total number of iterations passed to l2boost.


l1 shrinkage parameter (default: 1e-4)


l2 shrinkage parameter for elasticBoost (default: NULL = no l2-regularization)


Show computation/debugging output? (default: FALSE)


Type of l2boost fit with (default: discrete) see l2boost for description.


number of cores to parallel the cv analysis. If not specified, detects the number of cores. If more than 1 core, use n-1 for cross-validation. Implemented using multicore (mclapply), or clusterApply on Windows machines.


Additional arguments passed to l2boost


The cross-validation method splits the test data set into K mutually exclusive subsets. An l2boost model is built on K different training data sets, each created from a subsample of the full data set by sequentially leaving out one of the K subsets. The prediction error estimate is calculated by averaging the mean square error of each K test sets of the all of the K training datasets. The optimal step m is obtained at the step with a minimal averaged mean square error.

The full l2boost model is run after the cross-validation models, on the full data set. This model is run for the full number of iteration steps M and returned in the cv.l2boost$fit object.

cv.l2boost only optimizes along the iteration count m for a given value of nu. This is equivalent to an L1-regularization optimization. In order to optimize an elasticBoost model on the L2-regularization parameter lambda, a manual two way cross-validation can be obtained by sequentially optimizing over a range of lambda values, and selecting the lambda/opt.step pair resulting in the minimal cross-validated mean square error. See the examples below.

cv.l2boost uses the parallel package internally to speed up the cross-validation process on multicore machines. Parallel is packaged with base R >= 2.14, for earlier releases the multicore package provides the same functionality. By default, cv.l2boost will use all cores available except 1. Each fold is run on it's own core and results are combined automatically. The number of cores can be overridden using the cores function argument.


A list of cross-validation results:


the matched call.


Choice of l2boost algorithm from "discrete", "hybrid", "friedman","lars". see l2boost


design matrix column names used in the model


The L1 boosting shrinkage parameter value


The L2 elasticBoost shrinkage parameter value


number of folds used for cross-validation


Optimal cross-validation mean square error estimate


list of K vectors of mean square errors at each step m


beta coefficient estimates from the full model at opt.step


standardized beta coefficient estimates from full model at opt.step


optimal step m calculated by minimizing cross-validation error among all K training sets


L1 norm of beta coefficients at opt.step


l2boost fit of full model


estimate of response from full model at opt.step

See Also

l2boost, plot.l2boost, predict.l2boost and coef.l2boost


## Not run: 
# Example: ElasticBoost simulation
# Compare l2boost and elasticNetBoosting using 10-fold CV
# Elastic net simulation, see Zou H. and Hastie T. Regularization and 
# variable selection via the elastic net. J. Royal Statist. Soc. B, 
# 67(2):301-320, 2005
dta <- elasticNetSim(n=100)

# The default values set up the signal on 3 groups of 5 variables,
# Color the signal variables red, others are grey.
sig <- c(rep("red", 15), rep("grey", 40-15))

# Set the boosting parameters
Mtarget = 1000
nuTarget = 1.e-2

# For CRAN, only use 2 cores in the CV method

# 10 fold l2boost CV  
cv.obj <- cv.l2boost(dta$x,dta$y,M=Mtarget, nu=nuTarget, cores=cvCores)

# Plot the results
abline(v=cv.obj$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(cv.obj$fit, type="coef", ylab=expression(beta[i]))
abline(v=cv.obj$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(coef(cv.obj$fit, m=cv.obj$opt.step), cex=.5, 
  ylab=expression(beta[i]), xlab="Column Index", ylim=c(0,140), col=sig)

# elasticBoost l1-regularization parameter lambda=0.1 
# 5 fold elasticNet CV
cv.eBoost <- cv.l2boost(dta$x,dta$y,M=Mtarget, K=5, nu=nuTarget, lambda=.1, cores=cvCores) 

# plot the results
abline(v=cv.eBoost$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(cv.eBoost$fit, type="coef", ylab=expression(beta[i]))
abline(v=cv.eBoost$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(coef(cv.eBoost$fit, m=cv.obj$opt.step), cex=.5, 
  ylab=expression(beta[i]), xlab="Column Index", ylim=c(0,140), col=sig)

## End(Not run)

Blood and other measurements in diabetics [Hastie and Efron (2012)]


A repackaged diabetes dataset [Hastie and Efron (2012)] is a list of two different design matrices and a response vector with 442 observations [Efron et. al. (2004)]

The x matrix has been standardized to have unit L2 norm in each column and zero mean. The matrix x2 consists of x plus 54 interaction terms.




A list of 3 data objects,

  • x: A data frame with 10 variables and 442 observations

  • y: a numeric response vector of 442 observations

  • x2: a design matrix including interaction terms with 64 columns and 442 observations.


Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. "Least Angle Regression" Annals of Statistics 32:407-499, 2004.

Hastie T. and Efron B. (2012). lars: Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise. R package version 1.1.

A blocked correlated data simulation.


Creates a data simulation of n observations with signal groups of (p0/signal) signal variables and (p-p0) noise variables. Random noise is added to all columns. The default values, with n=100 create the simulation of Zou and Hastie (2005).


  p = 40,
  p0 = 15,
  signal = 3,
  sigma = sqrt(0.01),
  beta.true = NULL



number of observations


number of coordinate directions in the design matrix (default 40)


number of signal coordinate directions in the design matrix (default 15)


number of signal groups (default 3)


within group correlation coefficient (default sqrt(0.01))


specify the true simulation parameters. (default NULL = generated from other arguments)


list of

  • x simulated design matrix

  • y simulated response vector

  • beta.true true beta parameters used to create the simulation


Zou, H. and Hastie, T. (2005) Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 67, Part 2, pp. 301-320


# Example: Elastic net simulation
# For elastic net simulation data, see Zou, H. and Hastie, T. (2005) 
# Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net J. R. Statist. Soc. B
# , 67, Part 2, pp. 301-320
  # Set the RNG seed to create a reproducible simulation
  set.seed(432) # Takes an integer argument
  # Creata simulation with 100 observations.
  dta <- elasticNetSim(n=100)
  # The simulation contains a design matrix x, and response vector y

nice standard errors for plots


nice standard errors for plots


error.bars(x, upper, lower, width = 0.001, max.M = 100, ...)



Vector of error bar x value locations


Vector of upper error bar limits


Vector of limit error bar limits


errorbar line width (default: 0.001)


maximum number of bars to show in a plot (default: 100)


Additional arguments passed to segment function

See Also


Extract the fitted model estimates along the solution path for an l2boost model.


fitted is a generic function which extracts fitted values from objects returned by modeling functions.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
fitted(object, m = NULL, ...)



an l2boost object


the iteration number with the l2boost path. (default m=NULL)


other arguments


fitted.l2boost returns the function estimates obtained from the training set observations of an l2boost model object at any point along the solution path. The estimate, F_m(x) is evaluated at iteration m using the training data set x. By default, fitted.l2boost returns the estimate at the last iteration step M, unless a specific iteration step m is specified.


The vector of fitted response estimates at the given iteration m. By default, the coefficients are obtained from the last iteration m=M.

See Also

fitted and l2boost and predict.l2boost


# Example: Diabetes 
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.
data(diabetes, package="l2boost")

l2.object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# return the fitted values
fitted(l2.object, m=500)

#' # Create diagnostic plots
qqnorm(fitted(l2.object), ylim=c(0, 300))
qqline(fitted(l2.object), col=2)

qqnorm(fitted(l2.object, m=500), ylim=c(0, 300))
qqline(fitted(l2.object, m=500), col=2)

# Tukey-Anscombe's plot
plot(y=residuals(l2.object), x=fitted(l2.object), main="Tukey-Anscombe's plot",
  ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
lines(smooth.spline(fitted(l2.object), residuals(l2.object), df=4), type="l", 
  lty=2, col="red", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col = 'gray')

plot(y=residuals(l2.object, m=500), x=fitted(l2.object, m=500), 
  main="Tukey-Anscombe's plot", ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
lines(smooth.spline(fitted(l2.object,m=500), residuals(l2.object, m=500), df=4), 
  type="l", lty=2, col="red", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col = 'gray')

Generic gradient descent boosting method for linear regression.


Efficient implementation of Friedman's boosting algorithm [Friedman (2001)] with L2-loss function and coordinate direction (design matrix columns) basis functions. This includes the elasticNet data augmentation of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012), which adds an L2-penalization (lambda) similar to the elastic net [Zou and Hastie (2005)].


l2boost(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
l2boost(x, y, M, nu, lambda, trace, type , qr.tolerance, eps.tolerance, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
l2boost(formula, data, ...)



design matrix of dimension n x p


other arguments (currently unused)


response variable of length n


number of steps to run boost algorithm (M >1)


L1 shrinkage parameter (0 < nu <= 1)


L2 shrinkage parameter used for elastic net boosting (lambda > 0 || lambda = NULL)


show runtime messages (default: FALSE)


Choice of l2boost algorithm from "discrete", "hybrid", "friedman","lars". See details below. (default "discrete")


tolerance limit for use in qr.solve (default: 1e-30)


dynamic step size lower limit (default: .Machine$double.eps)


an object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under formula.


an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model used in the formula.


The l2boost function is an efficient implementation of a generic boosting method [Friedman (2001)] for linear regression using an L2-loss function. The basis functions are the column vectors of the design matrix. l2boost scales the design matrix such that the coordinate columns of the design correspond to the gradient directions for each covariate. The boosting coefficients are equivalent to the gradient-correlation of each covariate. Friedman's gradient descent boosting algorithm proceeds at each step along the covariate direction closest (in L2 distance) to the maximal gradient descent direction.

We include a series of algorithms to solve the boosting optimization. These are selected through the type argument

  • friedman - The original, bare-bones l2boost (Friedman (2001)). This method takes a fixed step size of length nu.

  • lars - The l2boost-lars-limit (See Efron (2004)). This algorithm takes a single step of the optimal length to the critical point required for a new coordinate direction to become favorable. Although optimal in the number of steps required to reach the OLS solution, this method may be computationally expensive for large p problems, as the method requires a matrix inversion to calculate the step length.

  • discrete - Optimized Friedman algorithm to reduce number of evaluations required [Ehrlinger and Ishwaran 2012]. The algorithm dynamically determines the number of steps of length nu to take along a descent direction. The discrete method allows the algorithm to take step sizes of multiples of nu at any evaluation.

  • hybrid - Similar to discrete, however only allows combining steps along the first descent direction. hybrid Works best if nu is moderate, but not too small. In this case, Friedman's algorithm would take many steps along the first coordinate direction, and then cycle when multiple coordinates have similar gradient directions (by the L2 measure).

l2boost keeps track of all gradient-correlation coefficients (rho) at each iteration in addition to the maximal descent direction taken by the method. Visualizing these coefficients can be informative of the inner workings of gradient boosting (see the examples in the plot.l2boost method).

The l2boost function uses an arbitrary L1-regularization parameter (nu), and includes the elementary data augmentation of Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012), to add an L2-penalization (lambda) similar to the elastic net [Zou and Hastie (2005)]. The L2-regularization reverses repressibility, a condition where one variable acts as a boosting surrogate for other, possibly informative, variables. Along with the decorrelation effect, this elasticBoost regularization circumvents L2Boost deficiencies in correlated settings.

We include a series of S3 functions for working with l2boost objects:

A cross-validation method (cv.l2boost) is also included for L2boost and elasticBoost, for cross-validated error estimates and regularization parameter optimizations.


A "l2boost" object is returned, for which print, plot, predict, and coef methods exist.


the matched call.


Choice of l2boost algorithm from "friedman", "discrete", "hybrid", "lars"


The L1 boosting shrinkage parameter value


The L2 elasticNet shrinkage parameter value


The training dataset

Columns of original design matrix with values na, these have been removed from x


scale attributes of design matrix


Column names of design matrix


training response vector associated with x, centered about the mean value ybar


mean value of training response vector


measure to favorability. This is a matrix of size p by m. Each coordinate j has a measure at each step m


vector of step lengths taken (NULL unless type = "lars")


vector of column index of critical direction


number of steps along each l.crit direction


The critical step value where a direction change occurs


estimates of response at each step m


estimate of response at final step M


boosting parameter estimate at each step m


beta parameter estimates at each step m. List of m vectors of length p


beta parameter estimate at final step M

The notation for the return values is described in Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012).


Friedman J. (2001) Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. Ann. Statist., 29:1189-1232

Ehrlinger J., and Ishwaran H. (2012). "Characterizing l2boosting" Ann. Statist., 40 (2), 1074-1101

Zou H. and Hastie T (2005) "Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net" J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 67, Part 2, pp. 301-320

Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. (2004). "Least Angle Regression" Ann. Statist. 32:407-499

See Also

print.l2boost, plot.l2boost, predict.l2boost, coef.l2boost, residuals.l2boost, fitted.l2boost methods of l2boost and cv.l2boost for K fold cross-validation of the l2boost method.


# Example 1: Diabetes data
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.
data(diabetes, package="l2boost")

l2.object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# Plot the boosting rho, and regression beta coefficients as a function of
# boosting steps m
# Note: The selected coordinate trajectories are colored in red after selection, and 
# blue before. Unselected coordinates are colored grey.
plot(l2.object, type="coef")

# increased shrinkage and number of iterations.
l2.shrink <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y,M=5000, nu=1.e-3) 
plot(l2.shrink, type="coef")

## Not run: 
# Example 2: elasticBoost simulation
# Compare l2boost and elastic net boosting
# See Zou H. and Hastie T. Regularization and variable selection via the 
# elastic net. J. Royal Statist. Soc. B, 67(2):301-320, 2005

# The default simulation uses 40 covariates with signal concentrated on 
# 3 groups of 5 correlated covariates (for 15 signal covariates)
dta <- elasticNetSim(n=100)

# l2boost the simulated data with groups of correlated coordinates
l2.object <- l2boost(dta$x,dta$y,M=10000, nu=1.e-3, lambda=NULL)

# plot the l2boost trajectories over all M
plot(l2.object, main="l2Boost nu=1.e-3")
# Then zoom into the first m=500 steps
plot(l2.object, xlim=c(0,500), ylim=c(.25,.5), main="l2Boost nu=1.e-3")

# elasticNet same data with L1 parameter lambda=0.1
en.object <- l2boost(dta$x,dta$y,M=10000, nu=1.e-3, lambda=.1) 

# plot the elasticNet trajectories over all M
# Note 2: The elasticBoost selects all coordinates close to the selection boundary,
# where l2boost leaves some unselected (in grey)
plot(en.object, main="elasticBoost nu=1.e-3, lambda=.1")
# Then zoom into the first m=500 steps
plot(en.object, xlim=c(0,500), ylim=c(.25,.5),
  main="elasticBoost nu=1.e-3, lambda=.1")

## End(Not run)

multivariate normal data simulations.


Create simulated dataset from a multivariate normal. Used to recreate data simulations from Ehrlinger and Ishwaran (2012).


mvnorm.l2boost(n = 100, p = 100, beta = NULL, which.beta = NULL, rho = 0)



number of observations


number of coordinate directions in the design matrix


a "true" beta vector of length p (default=NULL) See details.


indicator vector for which beta coefficients to include as signal in simulation (default=NULL) see details


correlation coefficient between coordinate directions


By default, mvnorm.l2boost creates a data set of n multivariate normal random observations of p covariates (see MASS:mvrnorm). The correlation matrix is constructed with 1 on the diagonals and the correlation coefficient rho on the off diagonals.

The response is constructed as follows: If a true beta vector is not supplied, the first 10 beta coefficients carry the signal with a value of 5, and the remaining p-10 values are set to zero. Given a beta.true vector, all values are used as specified. The coefficent vector is truncated to have p signal terms if length(beta.true) > p, and noise coordinates are added if length(beta.true) < p.

It is possible to pass an indicator vector which.beta to select specific signal elements from the full vector beta.true.


  • call Matched function call

  • x design matrix of size n x p

  • y response vector of length n


Ehrlinger J., and Ishwaran H. (2012). "Characterizing l2boosting" Ann. Statist., 40 (2), 1074-1101


# Example: Multivariate normal data simulation

# Create a (reproducable) data set of size 100 x 100
n<- 100
p<- 100

# Set 10 signal variables using a uniform beta=5, the remaining (p-10)=90 are
# set to zero indicating random noise.  
beta <- c(rep(5,10), rep(0,p-10))

# Example with orthogonal design matrix columns (orthogonal + noise) <- mvnorm.l2boost(n, p, beta)

# Example with correlation between design matrix columns <- mvnorm.l2boost(n, p, beta, rho=0.65)

Plotting for l2boost objects.


plotting methods for l2boost objects (l2boost and cv.l2boost).

By default, plotting an l2boost object produces a gradient-correlation vs iteration steps (m) plot. Plotting a cv.l2boost object produces a cross-validation error plot, and prints the minimal CV MSE value and optimal step opt.step to the R console.

Many generic arguments to plot are passed through the plot.l2boost function.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
  type = c("rho", "coef"),
  standardize = TRUE,
  active.set = NULL,
  xvar = c("step", "norm"),
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  trim = TRUE,
  clip = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,



l2boost or cv.l2boost object


which type of plot. rho plots gradient-correlation, coef regression (beta) coefficients vs the step number m along the x-axis


Should we plot standardized gradient-correlation (default: TRUE)


Vector of indices of the coordinates for highlighting with color=col (default: NULL shows all active coordinates)


what measure do we plot on the x-axis? step plots the step m, norm plots the normalized distance (1-nu)^(m-1)


specific x-axis label (NULL results in default value depending on xvar)


specific y-axis label (NULL results in default value depending on type)


(default: TRUE)


Do we want to c


Color to highlight active.set coordinates (NULL indicates default all active set at step M in blue, changes to red after selection


Control plotted y-values (default: NULL for auto range)


Control plotted x-values (default: NULL for auto domain )


other arguments passed to plot functions


Gradient-correlation plots are created by tracing out the boosting coefficient (rho) for each candidate direction. The coefficient and gradient-correlation are equivalent under standard scaling (zero intercept with design matrix columns scaled to have mean=0 and variance=1).

Unless explicitly set using col argument, the plot function colors the gradient-correlation paths along each direction by the following criteria:

  • Red: indicates the coordinate direction has been selected in the boosting path at some step <= m.

  • Blue: indicates the coordinate will be selected within the specified number of steps M (and switch to red upon selection).

  • Grey: indicates coordinates have not and will not be selected by the algorithm over all iterations.

The colors are set using the l.crit return value from the l2boost object.



See Also

l2boost, print.l2boost, predict.l2boost methods of l2boost and cv.l2boost


# Example: Diabetes 
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.
data(diabetes, package = "l2boost")

l2.object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# Plot the gradient-correlation, and regression beta coefficients as a function of
# boosting steps m
abline(v=500, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(l2.object, type="coef")
abline(v=500, lty=2, col="grey")

# limit the plot to only the first 500 steps of the algorithm 
# (grey vertical line in previous plots).
plot(l2.object, xlim=c(0,500))
plot(l2.object, type="coef", xlim=c(0,500))

## Not run: 
# Example: Plotting cross-validation objects
dta <- elasticNetSim(n=100)
# Set the boosting parameters
Mtarget = 1000
nuTarget = 1.e-2

cv.l2 <- cv.l2boost(dta$x,dta$y,M=Mtarget, nu=nuTarget, lambda=NULL)

# Show the CV MSE plot, with a marker at the "optimal iteration"
abline(v=cv.l2$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")

# Show the l2boost object plots.
abline(v=cv.l2$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")
plot(cv.l2$fit, type="coef")
abline(v=cv.l2$opt.step, lty=2, col="grey")

# Create a color vector of length p=40 (from elasticNetSim defaults)
clr <- rep("black", 40)
# Set coordinates in the boosting path to color red.
clr[unique(cv.l2$fit$l.crit)] = "red"

# Show the "optimal" coefficient values, 
# red points are selected in boosting algorithm.
plot(coef(cv.l2$fit, m=cv.l2$opt.step), col=clr, ylab=expression(beta))

## End(Not run)

plots.lines is used by plot.l2boost to the path lines (each j, against each r-step)


plots.lines is used by plot.l2boost to the path lines (each j, against each r-step)


## S3 method for class 'lines'
plot(xval = NULL, ind, path, l.crit, active = TRUE, col = NULL)



vector of x-values corresponding to the path y-values (default: NULL index of path)


Coordinate of the path (for coloring individual paths)


Plot the path values along the y-axis


change the color at the value of m=l.crit


active set coloring (default: TRUE)


vector of color values length >= 1 (default: NULL use built in scheme)

predict method for l2boost models.


predict is a generic function for predictions from the results of various model fitting functions.

@details predict.l2boost takes the optional xnew (equivalent newdata) data.frame and returns the model estimates from an l2boost object. If neither xnew or newdata are provided, predict returns estimates for the l2boost training data set.

By default, predict.l2boost returns the function estimates, unless type="coef" then the set of regression coefficients (beta) are returned from the l2boost object.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
predict(object, xnew = NULL, type = c("fit", "coef"), newdata = xnew, ...)



an l2boost object


a new design matrix to fit with the l2boost object


"fit" or "coef" determins the values returned. "fit" returns model estimates, "coef" returns the model coefficients


a new design matrix to fit with the l2boost object


other arguments (currently not used)


function estimates for type=fit, coefficient estimates for type=coef

  • yhatvector of n function estimates from the final step M

  • yhat.pathlist of M function estimates, one at each step m


  • coefvector of p beta coefficient estimates from final step M

  • coef.standvector of p standardized beta coefficient estimates from final step M

  • coef.pathlist of vectors of p beta coefficient estimates, one for each step m

  • coef.stand.pathlist of vectors of p standardized beta coefficient estimates, one for each step m

See Also

predict and l2boost, coef.l2boost, fitted.l2boost, residuals.l2boost and cv.l2boost


# Example 1: Diabetes 
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.

object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# With no arguments returns the estimates at the full M from the training data.
prd <- predict(object)

# at step m=600

# Also can return coefficient estimates. This is equivalent to \code{\link{coef.l2boost}}
cf <- predict(object, type="coef")

# at step m=600

# Or used to predict new data, in this case a subset of training data
cbind(diabetes$y[1:5], predict(object, xnew=diabetes$x[1:5,])$yhat)

print method for l2boost and cv.l2boost objects.


print is a generic function for displaying model summaries

print.l2boost returns a model summary for l2boost and cv.l2boost objects including the coefficient estimates at the specified step m. By default, print.l2boost returns the summary for the object at the final iteration step M


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
print(x, m = NULL, ...)



an l2boost object


return the result from iteration m


other arguments passed to helper functions

See Also

l2boost, cv.l2boost and coef.l2boost


# Example 1: Diabetes 
# See Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.

object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)

# A summary of the l2boost object at M=1000

# Similar at m=100
print(object, m=100)

Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.


Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.


## S3 method for class 'summary.l2boost'
print(x, ...)



an l2boost object


other arguments (not used)

Model residuals for the training set of an l2boost model object


residuals is a generic function which extracts model residuals from objects returned by modeling functions.

residuals.l2boost returns the training set residuals from an l2boost object. By default, the residuals are returned at the final iteration step m=M.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
residuals(object, m = NULL, ...)



an l2boost object for the extraction of model coefficients.


the iteration number with the l2boost path. If m=NULL, the coefficients are obtained from the last iteration M.


arguments (unused)


a vector of n residuals

See Also

residuals and l2boost and predict.l2boost


# Example: Diabetes 
# For diabetes data set, see Efron B., Hastie T., Johnstone I., and Tibshirani R. 
# Least angle regression. Ann. Statist., 32:407-499, 2004.
data(diabetes, package = "l2boost")

l2.object <- l2boost(diabetes$x,diabetes$y, M=1000, nu=.01)
rsd.mid <- residuals(l2.object, m=500)

# Create diagnostic plots
qqnorm(residuals(l2.object), ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
qqline(residuals(l2.object), col=2)

qqnorm(residuals(l2.object, m=500), ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
qqline(residuals(l2.object, m=500), col=2)

# Tukey-Anscombe's plot
plot(y=residuals(l2.object), x=fitted(l2.object), main="Tukey-Anscombe's plot",
   ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
lines(smooth.spline(fitted(l2.object), residuals(l2.object), df=4), type="l", 
  lty=2, col="red", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col = 'gray')

plot(y=residuals(l2.object, m=500), x=fitted(l2.object, m=500), main="Tukey-Anscombe's plot", 
  ylim=c(-3e-13, 3e-13))
lines(smooth.spline(fitted(l2.object,m=500), residuals(l2.object, m=500), df=4), type="l", 
  lty=2, col="red", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col = 'gray')

Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.


Unimplemented generic function These are placeholders right now.


## S3 method for class 'l2boost'
summary(object, ...)



an l2boost object


other arguments (unused)

This is a hidden function of the l2boost package. VAR is a helper function that specifically returns NA if all values of the argument x are NA, otherwise, it returns a var object.


This is a hidden function of the l2boost package. VAR is a helper function that specifically returns NA if all values of the argument x are NA, otherwise, it returns a var object.





return variance of x matrix.