To pull this out of archive on randomForestSRC 3.1 build release. Fixed a plot bug for gg_error to show the actual curve (issue 35)
bug when giving a single variable plot.variable object.
Remove dplyr
depends to transitions from "Imports" to "Suggests".
Argument for single outcome gg_vimp
plot for classification forests.
Improvements to gg_vimp
arguments for consistency.
Add bootstrap confidence intervals to gg_rfsrc
Initial partial.rfsrc
function to replace the randomForestSRC::plot.variable
Move cache data to randomForestSRC
v1.6.1 to take advantage of rfsrc
version checking between function calls.
Vignette updates for JSS submission of "ggRandomForests: Exploring Random Forest Survival".
Vignette updates for arXiv submission of ggRandomForests: Random Forests for Regression
Some optimizations to reduce package size.
Remove all tests from CRAN build to optimise R CMD CHECK times.
Remove pdf vignette figure from CRAN build.
Return S3method calls to NAMESPACE for "S3 methods exported but not registered" for R V3.2+.
Misc Bug Fixes.
functions into S3 methods to allow future implementation for other random forest packages.Maintenance release, mostly to fix gg_survival and gg_partial plots.